If you have decided to use the “Ole Valmis!” mobile application, you have agreed with our privacy policy. |
Which data we collect and why? „Ole valmis!“ mobile application collects the following data that might make it possible to identify you indirectly:
In addition, the „Ole valmis!“ mobile application uses third party analytical solutions whose privacy policies can be found at:
How do we use your data? The data you have provided will be used to analyse the usage of the „Ole valmis!“ mobile application, and to improve its content. |
Data retention The personal data provided by you via the "Ole valmis!" mobile application will be retained only as long as it is necessary to provide the service described in this privacy policy. After that the personal data will be removed, except if retaining the data is required by law or the rights and responsibilities of either party.
Security and data protection The "Ole valmis!" mobile application takes all precautions to protect the users’ personal data. Encrypted data connection between the website visitor and the website will ensure the security of personal data.
Contacts If you have any questions regarding our privacy policy or application of privacy regulations, please contact us at the following e-mail: |
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Väljaõpe, Tegevusvaldkonnad, Mentorlus, Tegevusplaan, Eelmised sündmused, Sündmuste arhiiv, Ole valmis! äpp
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Enne II maailmasõda, Taasloomine, Virtuaalne muuseum, Naiskodukaitse juhid ajaloos, Aastaraamatud
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