The mobile app “Ole valmis!” (Be prepared!) contains tips on how to behave in different situations. For example, what to do in the event of a power outage; if you are lost in the woods or how to provide first aid. You can also find information about fire and water safety, natural disasters, disruption of vital services, cyber security and different security threats.
The app includes a list of home and evacuation supplies with what you should be able to cope independently for a week. You can test your supply level and call different useful numbers directly from the app.
You can download the app at: |
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Väljaõpe, Tegevusvaldkonnad, Mentorlus, Tegevusplaan, Eelmised sündmused, Sündmuste arhiiv, Ole valmis! äpp
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Alutaguse, Harju, Jõgeva, Järva, Lääne, Põlva, Pärnumaa, Rapla, Saaremaa, Sakala, Tallinn, Tartu, Valga, Viru, Võrumaa
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